Tasty ticket to Sancerre

Let's travel together!


During 2 hours, taste and learn about Sancerre wines, accompanied by Japanese and French food.

60€/person including the visit of La Maison des Sancerre, the wine tasting, and the pairing food.
From 11:00 am to 1:00 pm.

Commented tasting by Dona Stewart and Juli Nakata-Roumet.
Only on reservation: 02 48 54 11 35 or contact@sancerreaop.fr.
Only in English.

On Saturdays:

  • 28th September
  • 5th October
  • 12th October
  • 19th October


Où :
3 Rue du Méridien 18300 Crézancy-en-Sancerre

Dates et horaires :

  • Samedi 28 Septembre 2024 de 11h à 13h
  • Samedi 5 Octobre 2024 de 11h à 13h
  • Samedi 12 Octobre 2024 de 11h à 13h
  • Samedi 19 Octobre 2024 de 11h à 13h

Tarifs :


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